Capitolul I – Furnizorul

Art.1 Furnizorul produselor este SC ASCO TOOLS SA cu sediul in Romania, jud. Brasov, str. Noua nr. 27, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub nr J08/1763/2004, cod fiscal RO16632046.

Capitolul II – Acceptarea conditiilor

Art.2 Prin acceptarea produselor, respectiv semnarea documentelor de receptie a produselor, Cumparatorul accepta neconditionat prezentele Conditii si intelege ca relatiile comerciale dintre sine si Furnizor sa fie reglementate de acestea.

Art.3 Vanzatorul isi pastreaza dreptul de proprietate asupra marfurilor, pana la plata integrala a acestora.

Art.4 Documentele predate de client (desene, figure, schite) care stau la baza comenzilor, raman in posesia vanzatorului si vor fi folosite doar in scopul contractului incheiat intre parti. Daca nu va fi un scop contractual, documentele pot fi returnate la cerere. Comanda acceptata de ambele parti, isi produce efectele de contract intre parti: vanzatorul este obligat sa livreze produsele iar cumparatorul sa plateasca produsele comandate.

Capitolul III – Termene si conditii de plata

Art.5 Preturile sunt stabilite la efectuarea comenzi. Preturile nu includ TVA. Alegerea tipului de expediere se face de catre furnizor. Costurile suplimentare pentru expediere rapida, asigurare si alte prevederi special sunt suportate de client. Ambalajele nu se primesc inapoi de furnizor.

Art.6 Termenul de plata al facturii este de 30 zile de la receptionarea produselor de catre Cumparator, daca nu a fost stabilit in mod diferit prin conventia expresa a partilor.

Art.7 Plata se va face in numerar, prin varsamant bancar, cu fila CEC sau Bilet la Ordin (dupa cum a fost stabilit).

Art.8 Penalitati: In cazul intarzierilor fata de termenul stabilit de plata a facturilor, daca partile nu au convenit altfel printr-un contract scris, Cumparatorul datoreaza penalitati de 0.5% pe zi de intarziere, din valoarea facturii neachitate, fara a fi nevoie de preaviz sau hotarare judecatoreasca. Dupa trecerea a 180 zile calendaristice de intarziere, penalitatile vor fi de 5% pe zi calendaristica de intarziere. Cuantumul penalitatilor poate depasi valoarea facturilor neachitate.

Capitolul IV – Comanda. Acceptare. Livrare. Receptie

Art.9 Termenul de livrare va fi stabilit de catre vanzator. Acest termen incepe sa curga abia dupa clarificarea tuturor particularitatilor legate de Comanda. Termenul de livrare se poate prelungi in cazul in care intervin cazuri de forta majora sau daca fabrica sau unul din furnizorii nostrii au deficient de productie, intarzieri in livrarea materiei prime, conflicte de munca, etc. in cazul in care, in timpul derularii contractului, clientul modifica comanda initiala, termenul de livrare de va prelungi, deoarece se prelungeste timpul de productie. Pentru depasirea timpului de livrare nu se acorda nici o despagubire.
Livrarea se face la sediul Vanzatorului pe baza comenzii scrise inaintata de catre cumparator, la data mentionata in raspunsul la comanda, In situatia in care partile convin, livrarea se poate face si la sediul cumparatorului. In toate cazurile in care livrarile se vor face franco client, vanzatorul va fi considerat ca si-a executat obligatia de livrare, in momentul in care a predat cumparatorului marfa, insotita de toate documentele de livrare prevazute de legislatia in vigoare aplicabila.
Cumparatorul se obliga sa preia marfa integral si la termen, sa o pastreze in conditii corespunzatoare si sa intocmeasca acte constatatoare ale eventualelor neregului cantitative si calitative descoperite ulterior receptiei in termen de maxim 7 zile de la primirea marfii.
Subsecvent receptiei produselor fara obiectiuni de catre cumparator, prin delegatul sau, dupa expirarea termenului de 7 zile curs de la data receptiei, vanzatorul este exonerat de raspundere in ceea ce priveste produsele livrate, cumparatorul neputind sa sustina ca nu a primit produsele in conditiile specificate in comanda si in documentatia referitoare la acestea.
Vanzatorul poate refuza livrarea in lipsa unui delegat al cumparatorului, sau in situatia in care delegatul nu face dovada imputernicirii sale. Receptia produselor se face la data predarii acestora, in prezenta unui delegat desemnat de catre vanzator si cumparator. Prin prezenta, delegatul declara pe proprie raspundere ca este reprezentant al Cumparatorului, pe plin drept sa semneze factura.
Din momentul receptiei proprietatea produselor precum si orice cheltuieli, sarcini sau riscuri aferente dreptului de proprietate asupra produselor se transmite cumparatorului. Dovada receptiei produselor o constitue copia facturii sau avizului de insotire a marfii confirmat de cumparator, confirmarea trebuind sa contina: data si localitatea livarii, numele persoanei care a receptionat marfa, semnatura si stampila cumparatorului.

Capitolul V – Obligatiile partilor

Art.10 Furnizorul isi asuma urmtoarele obligatii:
• Sa furnizeze produsele comandate de catre cumparator, la termenul stabilit si sa asigure certificate de calitate şi conformitate pentru produsele livrate.
• Furnizorul nu va fi raspunzator pentru exploatarea tehnica incorecta a sculelor, nerespectarea regimurilor de lucru de catre utilizatorii finali sau deteriorarea sculelor cauzata de utilizarea lor la prelucrarea altor materiale decat cele pentru care au fost solicitate.

Art.11 Cumparatorul isi asuma urmatoarele obligatii:
• Sa achite contravaloarea facturii conform prezentelor conditii
• Sa respecte comanda ferma lansata
• Sa notifice de urgenta, anterior implinirii termenul convenit, Furnizorul cu privire la orice intarziere in efectuarea platii, indicand motivele care au condus la aceasta situatie si sa depuna toate eforturile in vederea efectuarii in cel mai scurt timp a platii, in caz contrar considerandu-se ca nu si-a indeplinit obligatiile cu rea credinta
• Sa efectueze receptia cantitativa si calitativa a Produselor si sa comunice Furnizorului eventuale necorcondante in termen de 7 zile de la efectuarea acesteia, sub sanctiunea absolvirii de responsabilitate a Furnizorului, descriind si cuantificand explicit lipsurile constatate si /sau defectele ori viciile Produselor necorespunzatoare
• Clientul se obliga sa foloseasca produsul doar conform instructiunilor de functionare si folosire. Daca se provoaca daune din cauza intrebuintarii defectuoase, vanzatorul isi declina orice raspundere cu privire la aceste daune

Art.12 Forta majora exonereaza partiile contractante de indeplinirea obligatiilor asumate, pe toata perioada in care acestea actioneaza. Indeplinirea obligatiilor va fi suspendata in perioada de actiune a fortei majore, dar fara a prejudicial drepturile ce li se cuveneau partiilor pana la aparitia acesteia.

Art.13 Partea contractanta care invoca forta majora are obligatia de a notifica celeilalte parti, imediat si in mod complet, producerea acesteia si de a lua orice masuri care ii stau la dispozitie in vederea limitarii consecintelor.

Capitolul VI – Comunicari

Art.14 Orice comunicare intre parti trebuie sa fie transmisa in scris, documentele prin care se efectueaza comunicarile urmand a fi inregistrate atat in momentul transmiterii, cat si in momentul primirii.

Art.15 Sunt asimilate comunicarii scrise si cele efectuate prin telegram, telex, fax sau e-mail, cu conditia ca acestea sa contina suficiente elemente de confirmare a identitatii expeditorului si ca primirea comunicarii sa fie confirmata in scris.

Capitolul VII – Legea aplicabila si litigii

Art.16 Prezentele Conditii sunt guvernate de legea comerciala si uzantele comerciale aplicabile pe teritoriul Romaniei.

Art.17 Litigiile dintre parti vor fi solutionate de acestea pe cale amiabila, direct sau apeland la procedure de conciliere si/ sau mediere. In cazul in care rezolvarea pe cale amiabila a conflictelor este imposibila, acestea vor fi deduse spre solutionare instantei competente material de la sediul Furnizorului.

Capitolul VIII – Dispozitii finale

Art.18 Prezentele Conditii reprezinta vointa manifestata a partilor, exprimata cu deplina capacitate de a contracta si fara dovada raporturilor comerciale dintre parti in fata oricarui tert, instanta sau autoritate statala.


Chapter I – The Supplier

Art.1 The Supplier of the goods is SC ASCO TOOLS SA, headquartered in Romania, jud. Brasov, str. Noua nr. 27, registered at the Trade Register under no. J08/1763/2004, fiscal code RO16632046.

Chapter II – Acceptance of Terms

Art.2 By accepting the goods, i.e. by signing the documents of receipt for the goods, the Buyer unconditionally accepts these Terms and understands that the commercial relations between himself and the Supplier are governed by them.
Art.3 The Seller retains ownership of the merchandise until it is paid in full.

Art.4 The documents delivered by the Customer (drawings, figures, sketches) that are the basis of the orders, remain in the possession of the Seller and they will be used only for the purpose of the Contract concluded between the parties. If it is not a contractual purpose, the documents may be returned upon request. An order accepted by both parties has the effects of a contract between the parties: the Seller is under the obligation to deliver the goods and the Buyer is under the obligation to pay for the ordered goods.

Chapter III – Payment Terms and Conditions

Art.5 Prices are established when the orders are placed. Prices do not include VAT. The shipment type is chosen by the Supplier. Additional costs for expedited shipment, insurance and other special provisions are borne by the Customer. Returns of packaging materials are not accepted by the Supplier.

Art.6 The invoice payment term is 30 days from the receipt of the goods by the Buyer, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the parties.

Art.7 The payment will be made in cash, by bank transfer, by check or promissory note (as agreed).

Art.8 Penalties: If invoices are paid past their payment deadline, unless the parties have agreed otherwise through a written contract, the Buyer shall owe penalties of 0.5% per day of delay of the amount of the unpaid invoice, without a prior notice or court order being necessary. After 180 calendar days overdue, the penalties shall be 5% per calendar day of delay. The amount of penalties may exceed the amount of unpaid invoices.

Chapter IV – Order. Acceptance. Delivery. Receipt

Art.9 The delivery term will be set by the Seller. This term starts only after clarifying all the particularities related to the Order. The delivery term can be extended in case of force majeure or if the factory or one of our suppliers has a production shortage, delays in the delivery of raw materials, labor disputes, etc. if, during the contract, the Customer modifies the initial order, the delivery term will be extended, because the production time is extended. No compensations will be granted for exceeding the delivery term. The delivery shall be made to the Seller’s premises on the basis of the written order submitted by the Buyer, on the date mentioned in the reply to the order. If the parties agree, the delivery may also be made to the Buyer’s premises. In all cases in which the deliveries will be made ex-Customer, the Seller will be deemed to have fulfilled their delivery obligation when they have handed over the goods to the Buyer, accompanied by all the delivery documents provided for by the applicable legislation in force. The Buyer undertakes to receive the goods in full and on time, to store them in appropriate conditions and to draw up the documents finding any quantitative and qualitative irregularities discovered after the receipt, within 7 days at most from the receipt of the goods.

Subsequent to the receipt of the goods with no objections from the Buyer, through his delegate, after the expiry of the 7 calendar day-period from the date of receipt, the Seller is exempt from liability regarding the goods delivered, the Buyer not being able to claim that he has not received the goods in the conditions specified in the order and in the documentation relating to them. The Seller may refuse delivery in the absence of a Buyer representative or in the event that the representative does not provide proof of his authorization. The receipt of the goods shall take place on the date of their delivery, in the presence of a representative appointed by the Seller and the Buyer. The delegate hereby declares on their own responsibility that they are the Buyer’s representative, fully authorized to sign the invoice. From the moment of receipt, the ownership of the goods and any expenses, encumbrances or risks of ownership of the goods shall pass to the Buyer. The proof of the goods’ receipt is the copy of the invoice or of the delivery note confirmed by the Buyer, the confirmation must contain: date and place of delivery, the name of the person who received the goods, the signature and stamp of the Buyer.

Chapter V – Obligations of the Parties

Art.10 The Supplier undertakes the following obligations:
• To supply the goods ordered by the Buyer, within the agreed deadline, and to provide quality and compliance certificates for the delivered goods.
• The Supplier shall not be liable for the incorrect technical use of the tools, for the failure to comply with the working regimes by the end users or for damage to the tools caused by their being used to process other materials than those for which they were requested.

Art.11 The Buyer undertakes the following obligations:
• To pay the equivalent invoice value in accordance with these terms
• To abide by the firm order placed
• To notify the Supplier urgently, prior to the agreed deadline, of any delay in payment, indicating the reasons for the delay, and to make every effort to make the payment as soon as possible, otherwise they will be considered as not having met their obligations in bad faith
• To carry out the quantitative and qualitative reception of the Goods and to inform the Supplier of any possible inadequacies within 7 days of the date of such reception, under penalty of the Supplier’s exemption from liability, describing and quantifying explicitly any missing items and/or the defects or faults of the inadequate Goods.
• The Customer undertakes to use the Good only in accordance with the instructions of operation and use. If damage is caused due to the improper use, the Seller waives any liability for such damage.

Art.12 Force majeure exempts the contracting parties from the fulfilment of their obligations, for the entire period during which they are acting. The fulfilment of the obligations will be suspended during the period of force majeure, but without prejudice to the rights due to the parties until its occurrence.

Art.13 The contracting party who invokes force majeure is under the obligation to notify the other party, immediately and in full, of its occurrence and to take any measures within its power to limit the consequences.

Chapter VI – Communications

Art.14 Any communication between the parties must be sent in writing and the documents through which the communications are made shall be recorded both at the time of transmission and at the time of receipt.

Art.15 Communications by telegram, telex, fax or e-mail are also assimilated to written communications, provided that they contain sufficient elements to confirm the identity of the sender and that the receipt of the communication is confirmed in writing.

Chapter VII – Applicable Law and Disputes

Art.16 These Terms are governed by the commercial law and commercial practices applicable in Romania.

Art.17 Disputes between the parties will be settled by them amicably, directly or through the conciliation and/or mediation procedures. If it is impossible to resolve the disputes amicably, they will be submitted to the competent court at the Supplier’s headquarters.

Chapter VIII – Final provisions

Art.18 These Terms represent the manifested will of the parties, expressed with full capacity to contract and without proof of commercial relations between the parties before any third party, court or state authority.